Celebrations in Tylawa – photoreport
Today, in the village of Tylawa (on the borderline between Central and Western Lemkovyna) liturgies were celebrated on the 90th anniversary of Lemkos’ return to Orthodoxy. The ceremonies started at 10 a.m....
Today, in the village of Tylawa (on the borderline between Central and Western Lemkovyna) liturgies were celebrated on the 90th anniversary of Lemkos’ return to Orthodoxy. The ceremonies started at 10 a.m....
For the seventh time, Magura National Park invites for the “Here and Now” event. It is a few hours’ educational walk on a nature trail, with a specified topic, guided by an...
В днях 13-го аж 17-го септембра 2016-го року проходив в Бырні, в Чеській републіці, IV. річник фестівалу народностных меншын під назвов Babylonfest, котрый є присвяченый народностным меншынам жыючім в Бырні.Шырокій публіці фестівал...
Indians of Mexico, Celtic Manx people (from the Isle of Man), inhabitants of Guernsey territory (Normandy), Kashubians, Lemkos, as well as researchers from the universities in the Netherlands, Great Britain and Poland,...
14. вересня/септембра т.р. в Рускій Бурсі в Ґорлицях остала підписана умова о взаімній трансграничній спілпрацы двох орґанізаций, якы діют на хосен Русинів, русиньской культуры і підпоруют русиньску достоменніст, т.є.: Стоваришыня «Руска Бурса»...
On Saturday, 17 September at 10am in the village Tylawa in Eastern Lemkowyna liturgy will be celebrated to commemorate the 90th anniversary of the Lemkos' return to Orthodoxy.
From 10-12 July 2016, an Orthodox pilgrimage to the Holy Mount Javor took place. The participants left on Sunday (10.07) from Konieczna/Konechna, where, at the local Saint Basil church, Divine Liturgy had...
The long-awaited, planned and widely announced picnic of Ruska Bursa successfully took place last Saturday, on 18 June 2016. Quite a lot people came to celebrate and have a good time together...
You are invited to see the first part of photos from the 3rd edition of a camp for children and youth, entitled: How did our ancestors live?, organized by the Ruska Bursa...
On Wednesday, 1 June 2016, on the 35th anniversary of the construction of the Krynica Orthodox parish, the two biggest elements that complete the whole architectural structure were raised to the top...
You are invited to see the comprehensive photoreport from the First Festival of Lemko Authorial Art "Moloda Lemkovyna" that took place on 21 November in Gorlice. See what was going on on...
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